Payment Data (Credit Cards)

z3c.schema.payments provides some level of error detection in payment data prior to storing the information or sending it to a payment processor. Currently this module only supports validation of credit card numbers, but this could conceivably be extended to other payment forms

Credit Cards

Credit card numbering specifications are defined in ISO 7812-1:1983. Verifying that the credit card number supplied by a user conforms to the ISO standard provides some error checking which can catch typographical errors, transposition, etc. This does not validate the card against the financial networks as a valid account. However, verifying that the card number is well formed is fast and catching typographical errors in this way is much faster than sending the card number to a credit card processor.

First, let’s setup a credit card field:

>>> from z3c.schema.payments import CreditCard
>>> from z3c.schema.payments import interfaces
>>> cc = CreditCard()
>>> interfaces.IISO7812CreditCard.providedBy(cc)

The simple restrictions are quick to check. Credit cards should be all numeric, no alpha characters allowed:

>>> cc.constraint('44444444444AAAA8')
>>> cc.constraint('4444444444444448')

Also, we can’t have any returns or line endings in the number:

>>> cc.constraint('444444444444\n4448')
>>> cc.constraint('44444444\r44444448')

One of the first specifications of ISO 7812 is a “Major Industry Identifier,” which is the first number of an ISO 7812 compliant account number. Originally, banking, financial, and merchandizing (store account) cards were limited to the major industry identifiers 4, 5, and 6. However American Express, Diner’s Club, and Carte Blanche were all assigned a major industry number 3. So a valid card must start with one of these numbers:

>>> cc.validate(u'0000000000000000')
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotValidISO7812CreditCard: 0000000000000000
>>> cc.validate(u'1111111111111117')
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotValidISO7812CreditCard: 1111111111111117
>>> cc.validate(u'2222222222222224')
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotValidISO7812CreditCard: 2222222222222224
>>> cc.validate(u'3333333333333331')
>>> cc.validate(u'4111111111111111')
>>> cc.validate(u'5555555555555557')
>>> cc.validate(u'3333333333333331')
>>> cc.validate(u'6666666666666664')
>>> cc.validate(u'7777777777777771')
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotValidISO7812CreditCard: 7777777777777771
>>> cc.validate(u'8888888888888888')
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotValidISO7812CreditCard: 8888888888888888
>>> cc.validate(u'9999999999999995')
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotValidISO7812CreditCard: 9999999999999995

The ISO specification also defines a check digit which should always be the last digit of a card number. The check digit is calculated using the Luhn (Mod 10) formula. In this way, each credit card number contains its own CRC of sorts. This is our main validation that a credit card number is well formed.

Validating a number with a check digit that uses the LUHN formula:

Step 1: Starting with the next-to-last digit and moving left, double the value of every other digit. The calculation starts with the next-to-last digit because the last digit is the check digit.

  • When selecting every other digit, always work right-to-left and do not start with the rightmost digit (since that is the check digit).

  • The last digit (check digit) is considered #1 (odd number) and the next-to-last digit is #2 (even number). You will only double the values of the even-numbered digits.

Step 2: Add all unaffected digits to the values obtained in Step 1.

  • If any of the values resulting from Step 1 are double-digits, do not add the double-digit value to the total, but rather add the two digits, and add this sum to the total.

Result: The total obtained in Step 2 must be a number ending in zero (exactly divisible by 10) for the number to be valid.

The validate method of z3c.schema.payments.ISO7812CreditCard does the Luhn calculation on the provided card number. If the calculation fails, there is either an error in the number or the card is simply not valid. We use in our tests here and above numbers that technically meet the criteria of the ISO specification without the risk of the number actually being a valid card number registered with a financial institution:

>>> cc.validate(u'4444444444444448')
>>> cc.validate(u'4444444444444449')
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotValidISO7812CreditCard: 4444444444444449
